
Contact: Ms Mea Lourens
Tel1: +27 79 491 7109
Tel 2:

Fields of Medicine:
Infectious Diseases
Internal Medicine
Pathology & Lab Medicine

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The Federation of Infectious Diseases Societies of Southern Africa was formed from an amalgamation of existing societies representing infectious diseases (Infectious Diseases Society of Southern Africa -IDSSA), sexually transmitted diseases, (Sexually Transmitted Diseases Society of Southern Africa -STDSSA), infection control (Infection Control Society of South Africa -ICSSA) antimicrobial surveillance (National Surveillance Forum NASF) which became the South African Society of Clinical Microbiology (SASCM) in 2009 and travel medicine (The South African Society of Travel Medicine SASTM). The addition of paediatric infectious diseases (Southern African Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases SASPID) in 2008 completes what is now an amalgamation of 6 societies.

Benefits of the Federation include a single journal and joint conferences to facilitate scientific and professional interaction. Furthermore, the Federation has a responsibility to guide appropriate treatment of infectious diseases by publishing guidelines; this to include infection control practices.

Current Federation membership via the Societies stands at just under 1500 healthcare and related workers. A major challenge for the Federation is to attract a broader diversity of health care professionals and to increase membership in under represented areas of rural South Africa including our colleagues in Africa.

All infectious diseases require a holistic approach for successful management. Therefore the formation of the Federation, will in a substantive way, contribute to a more integrated approach towards infectious diseases in Southern Africa.s.

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