Centre for Digestive Diseases and Liver Health


Contact: Dr Anna Sparaco
Email: receptionrc@surgicalspecialist.co.za
Tel1: 0113280609
Tel 2:

Fields of Medicine:
General Surgery

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Centre for Digestive Diseases and Liver Health - http://www.medtalkz.com/institution/centre_for_digestive_diseases_and_liver_health

multidisciplinary integrated management of gastrointestinal diseases focusing on the patient journey starting with diagnosis and ending with survivorship. Particular interest in gastrointestinal and hepato-pancreatico-biliary oncology.

Content-type: text/html

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Presentation, diagnosis and su... Presentation, diagnosis and su...
Colon cancer rates and surviva... Colon cancer rates and surviva...
The psychology of the cancer p... The psychology of the cancer p...
Anatomy and functions of the l... Anatomy and functions of the l...
Surgery of the liver... Surgery of the liver...
The ethics of psycho-oncology... The ethics of psycho-oncology...
Interpretation of elevated liv... Interpretation of elevated liv...
An apporach to palliative canc... An apporach to palliative canc...
Interventional procedure for l... Interventional procedure for l...
Preventing liver cancer... Preventing liver cancer...
Risk factors and prevention st... Risk factors and prevention st...
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Colorectal cancer prevention... Colorectal cancer prevention...
Pain control in the cancer pat... Pain control in the cancer pat...