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Talkz By Speaker: Prof. Mohammed Tikly
Prof. Mohammed Tikly
Prof. Mohammed Tikly
(MBBCh, MMED, MRCP, FRCP(London), FRCP(Edin.), PhD)

Field Of Medicine: Rheumatology


From: , , South Africa

Special Interests: Rheumatology

Diagnosis and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis... Diagnosis and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis...
NSAIDs - Double Edged Sword... NSAIDs - Double Edged Sword...


Acute Collapse in Pregnancy... Acute Collapse in Pregnancy...
Pharmacology quiz... Pharmacology quiz...
Travelling on the edge... Travelling on the edge...
Microbiome... Microbiome...
Prescribing in pregnancy... Prescribing in pregnancy...
Chronic idiopathic constipation... Chronic idiopathic constipation...