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(T)PN - Getting it right... (T)PN - Getting it right...
Arginine... Arginine...
Case study presentation: The shocking truth and other pressing issues.... Case study presentation: The shocking truth and other pressing issues....
COVID and Micronutrients... COVID and Micronutrients...
ERAS Protocol: Carbohydrate Loading - Is It Still Relevant?... ERAS Protocol: Carbohydrate Loading - Is It Still Relevant?...
ERAS Protocol: Prehabilitation: What and Why?... ERAS Protocol: Prehabilitation: What and Why?...
ERAS Protocol: Screening for Malnutrition... ERAS Protocol: Screening for Malnutrition...
Feeding in the Prone Position... Feeding in the Prone Position...
Feeding the obese patient in ICU... Feeding the obese patient in ICU...
Feeding with intra-abdominal hypertensions... Feeding with intra-abdominal hypertensions...
Gastrointestinal upset in COVID-19 patients... Gastrointestinal upset in COVID-19 patients...
Home Enteral Feeding... Home Enteral Feeding...
How nutrients are absorbed in the GUT... How nutrients are absorbed in the GUT...
Immunonutrition in surgical oncology patients... Immunonutrition in surgical oncology patients...
Inspiration from a Walker and a Runner... Inspiration from a Walker and a Runner...
Insulin Resistance and Pre-diabetes - Part 1... Insulin Resistance and Pre-diabetes - Part 1...
Insulin Resistance and the Pancreas - Part 2: Treating Hyperinsuinalemia and it's Comorbidities... Insulin Resistance and the Pancreas - Part 2: Treating Hyperinsuinalemia and it's Comorbidities...
Iron deficiency and anaemia. More than just about iron.... Iron deficiency and anaemia. More than just about iron....
Meeting requirements in patients with HFNO... Meeting requirements in patients with HFNO...
Microbiota in the ICU... Microbiota in the ICU...
New horizons in life-course nutrition... New horizons in life-course nutrition...
Nutrition therapy in hepatic failure... Nutrition therapy in hepatic failure...
Nutritional Implications of Common Upper GI Surger... Nutritional Implications of Common Upper GI Surger...
Nutritional Management of Ostomies... Nutritional Management of Ostomies...
Nutritional Management of Pre–diabetes & Type 2 Diabetes... Nutritional Management of Pre–diabetes & Type 2 Diabetes...
Nutritional management of severe acute pancreatiti... Nutritional management of severe acute pancreatiti...
Nutritional Management of Surgical-Oncology Patients... Nutritional Management of Surgical-Oncology Patients...
Nutritional management of the burns patient... Nutritional management of the burns patient...
Nutritional requirements post COVID... Nutritional requirements post COVID...
ONS in the Cancer Patient... ONS in the Cancer Patient...
Pitfalls to the preop ERAS fasting guidelines... Pitfalls to the preop ERAS fasting guidelines...
PNALD, now what?... PNALD, now what?...
Practical implementation of nutritional guidelines... Practical implementation of nutritional guidelines...
Probiotics in ICU. Who could benefit?... Probiotics in ICU. Who could benefit?...
Promoting anabolism in the ICU... Promoting anabolism in the ICU...
Protecting the Microbiome in ICU... Protecting the Microbiome in ICU...
Protein in critical care... Protein in critical care...
Protein is important... Protein is important...
Q and A - Understanding the Complexity of Obesity and position for Bariatric Surgery... Q and A - Understanding the Complexity of Obesity and position for Bariatric Surgery...
Q and A part 1- Nutritional Management of Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes... Q and A part 1- Nutritional Management of Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes...
Q and A part 2- Nutritional Management of Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes... Q and A part 2- Nutritional Management of Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes...
Strategies to improve enteral feeding tolerance... Strategies to improve enteral feeding tolerance...
Supplemental parenteral nurtition & for whom... Supplemental parenteral nurtition & for whom...
To feed or not to feed on vasopressors & inotropes... To feed or not to feed on vasopressors & inotropes...
Understanding Inotropes and Vasopressors... Understanding Inotropes and Vasopressors...
Vit D in the spotlight... Vit D in the spotlight...
What does it take to become ERAS compliant... What does it take to become ERAS compliant...
What to feed, or not, in Shock... What to feed, or not, in Shock...