Wits Spine Symposium


Contact: Dr A Younus
Email: aftabyounus@gmail.com
Tel 2:

Fields of Medicine:
Sports medicine

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Wits Spine Symposium - http://www.medtalkz.com/institution/wits_spine_symposium

Wits Spine Symposium is a special interest group spearheaded by the Wits Spine/Orthopaedic department.

Content-type: text/html

Minimially invasive spine surg... Minimially invasive spine surg...
C2 trans-laminar screws... C2 trans-laminar screws...
Lumbar Discectomy... Lumbar Discectomy...
Surgical approaches to the cer... Surgical approaches to the cer...
Anterior cervical discectomy a... Anterior cervical discectomy a...
Anterior cervical discectomy a... Anterior cervical discectomy a...
A case of unexplained C2 osteo... A case of unexplained C2 osteo...
Harmse and Melcher C1/C2 techn... Harmse and Melcher C1/C2 techn...
Pedicle screw and rod insertio... Pedicle screw and rod insertio...
Multi-level Thoraco-lumbar tub... Multi-level Thoraco-lumbar tub...
Cervical Sub-axial lateral mas... Cervical Sub-axial lateral mas...
Anterior lumbar cages: ALIF, X... Anterior lumbar cages: ALIF, X...
Posterior lumbar inter-body fu... Posterior lumbar inter-body fu...
Sacral Screws... Sacral Screws...
Transpedicular costotransverse... Transpedicular costotransverse...
C1 - C2 fusion techniques and ... C1 - C2 fusion techniques and ...
Cervical Spine Injuries... Cervical Spine Injuries...
Thoracic Spine Laminectomy... Thoracic Spine Laminectomy...
Lumbar spine laminectomy and l... Lumbar spine laminectomy and l...
Informed consent for spine sur... Informed consent for spine sur...
Surgical approaches to C1-2 fi... Surgical approaches to C1-2 fi...
Biologics in spine surgery... Biologics in spine surgery...
Progression of instrumentation... Progression of instrumentation...
Biomechanics of the spine... Biomechanics of the spine...
Kyphotic deformity of TB spine... Kyphotic deformity of TB spine...
Anterior corpectomy in the tho... Anterior corpectomy in the tho...
Thoracic approaches to the spi... Thoracic approaches to the spi...
Posterolateral approach - cost... Posterolateral approach - cost...
Lateral extraperitoneal trans ... Lateral extraperitoneal trans ...
Surgical approaches to the lum... Surgical approaches to the lum...
Pedicle screw and rod insertio... Pedicle screw and rod insertio...