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AI versus the RCT... AI versus the RCT...
An argument for FOAMed... An argument for FOAMed...
Autism and the paradigm shift... Autism and the paradigm shift...
Bawa-Garba. An inside-outsiders view... Bawa-Garba. An inside-outsiders view...
Cannabis 101... Cannabis 101...
Copyright on Medtalkz... Copyright on Medtalkz...
COVID-19: Coming to a practice near you... COVID-19: Coming to a practice near you...
Criminal Prosecution - Where Do We Stand... Criminal Prosecution - Where Do We Stand...
Cutting it fine... Cutting it fine...
Dealing with difficult patients... Dealing with difficult patients...
Ethical aspects in treating children... Ethical aspects in treating children...
Ethical Decision Making... Ethical Decision Making...
Ethical issues surrounding foreign patients requiring dialysis... Ethical issues surrounding foreign patients requiring dialysis...
Ethics and in flight medical emergencies... Ethics and in flight medical emergencies...
Ethics of not sharing information in a pandemic... Ethics of not sharing information in a pandemic...
Evidence Based Medicine - What are the pitfalls?... Evidence Based Medicine - What are the pitfalls?...
Family pressure and interference in clinical care decisions... Family pressure and interference in clinical care decisions...
Genetic counselling in the genomic era.... Genetic counselling in the genomic era....
Health Care Workers: An Integral Component for Rebuilding SA... Health Care Workers: An Integral Component for Rebuilding SA...
Hidden pain, secret shame. Distress in the ICU... Hidden pain, secret shame. Distress in the ICU...
Informed consent for spine surgery... Informed consent for spine surgery...
Inspiration from a Walker and a Runner... Inspiration from a Walker and a Runner...
Introduction to Risky Business... Introduction to Risky Business...
Learning from other high risk industries... Learning from other high risk industries...
Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 1... Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 1...
Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 2... Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors - Part 2...
Litigation in a Failing Health System... Litigation in a Failing Health System...
Making Ethical Decisions by Flipping a Coin?... Making Ethical Decisions by Flipping a Coin?...
NHI - Challenges to implementation... NHI - Challenges to implementation...
NHI - Challenges to implementation... NHI - Challenges to implementation...
Panel Discussion - Ethics in Sport... Panel Discussion - Ethics in Sport...
POPIA and the Healthcare Provider... POPIA and the Healthcare Provider...
Prevention is better than cure. How to become less hackable... Prevention is better than cure. How to become less hackable...
Professionalism: Dealing with difficult colleagues... Professionalism: Dealing with difficult colleagues...
Protecting ourselves. Dark side of our profession... Protecting ourselves. Dark side of our profession...
Q & A: Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors... Q & A: Legal Reform & Criminalisation of Doctors...
Q and A - POPIA and the Healthcare Professional... Q and A - POPIA and the Healthcare Professional...
Regulation; Good, Bad or Ugly... Regulation; Good, Bad or Ugly...
Social Media Law... Social Media Law...
Social Media Law - panel discussion... Social Media Law - panel discussion...
Sorry seems to be the hardest word... Sorry seems to be the hardest word...
Sports Medicine Ethical Discussion... Sports Medicine Ethical Discussion...
Taqwa paradigm in healthcare... Taqwa paradigm in healthcare...
The ethics of... The ethics of...
The Legal Status of Medicinal Cannabis in SA... The Legal Status of Medicinal Cannabis in SA...
The most important comeback in modern medicine... The most important comeback in modern medicine...
The power of knowing and risks of not... The power of knowing and risks of not...
The Roe vs Wade Debate and Abortion in the SA Context... The Roe vs Wade Debate and Abortion in the SA Context...
The role of Muslims in achieving health for all... The role of Muslims in achieving health for all...
The trouble with being human... The trouble with being human...
Treating patients of the opposite sex... Treating patients of the opposite sex...
What Islam means for Africa... What Islam means for Africa...
When scholars differ on your patient... When scholars differ on your patient...
Withdrawal of life sustaining therapies in SA... Withdrawal of life sustaining therapies in SA...
YOU are the ultimate Physician... YOU are the ultimate Physician...